Manual Lymphatic Drainage. You have probably heard the term before, but kind of looked past it not thinking it could do anything for you. It is very likely that it can help you.
What Is The Lymphatic System?
The lymphatic system, simply, is responsible for detoxification and immune function. It lives under the skin but above the muscle tissue.

The LS does three primary functions:
Returns protein and water from the interstitium (cell space between all the organs, muscles, and tissue) to the cardiovascular system (the heart)
Absorbs protein, fat, and fat-soluble vitamins through intestinal lymph vessels
Recognizes and responds to foreign cells, microbes, and cancer cells (immunity)
This is a vital system that is often overlooked in the healthcare system and directly impacts how your body functions.
Who Benefits from MLD?
Many pathologies are due to a blocked lymphatic system and indicate the need from MLD:
Post-traumatic and post-surgical edema (swelling)
Palliative Care/Hospice
Autoimmune disorders- fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma
Sinus issues, including allergies
Fibrotic Breast disease
Pregnancy edema
Lyme Disease
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Varicose Veins
Weak Immune System
MLD Techniques
The techniques of MLD were developed in 1932 by Danish massage therapists in Cannes, France, Dr. Emil and Estrid Vodder while working with on the swollen lymph nodes of patients with head colds. Later, the Vodder Method was coined and practiced readily all over Europe to treat illness.
The hand techniques of MLD are designed to increase the movement of lymph and interstitial fluid. Because of the delicacy of the lymph vessels, only a gentle and careful touch is necessary. Anything harsher will be ineffective. It looks and feels like a gentle stretching of the skin. The movement begins at the lymph nodes to support thorough drainage and then proceeds to remaining parts of the body.
General Effects of Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Improvement of lymph absorption
Increase of fluid movement
Soothing effect on the nervous system = relaxation
Analgesic effect
Unblocks lymph flow
Other Factors
MLD is one way to support your lymphatic system. These are other ways to support healthy lymph flow:
Muscle contraction
Deep breathing
Increased heart rate
This includes healthy movement, stretching and strength, a nutritious diet, proper H20 hydration, and a steady sleep schedule.
How do you feel?
Many clients remarking feeling totally at ease, like they have a much more balanced state of mind. They also say it's the most relaxed they have ever felt. Some clients remark on how they feel lighter, less bloated, and feel like clothing fits better.
When you should not get MLD
A.) General
Acute cellulitis
Untreated Congestive Heart Failure
Relative (needing physician approval)
Malignant disease
Renal dysfunction
B.) Neck Treatment
All general contraindications
Cardiac arrhythmia
Hypersensitivity of the carotid sinus
History of arteriosclerosis
C.) Abdominal
All general plus
Recent (deep) abdominal surgery
Radiation fibrosis, R. colitis, R. cystitis
Pelvic DVT
Diverticulitis and -osis
Liver cirrhosis
Abdominal aortic aneurysm
Unexplained pain
Implanted devices
D.) Trunk
General plus
Radiation fibrosis
Bone metastases
Hormone therapy
Klose Training, Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist Certification Course
Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Science Direct, 2022.
MLD, Physiopedia
Vodder Method, The Vodder School