Newsletter I

Meet my logo. What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts about the design, how it makes you feel, etc. For me it represents, balance of form and flow, elegance, and simple luxury, which is what I want to convey in my treatments with you. The logo comes in a variety of colors, shades, and tones so you'll likely see them if you continue to follow. Looking forward to sharing more with you here.
Does anyone else wake up to something like this? I read several explanations as to why cats knead recently. My favorite theory stated that it's their way of conveying love and contentment. This, I can get behind!
Touch is so vitally important to not only give but to also receive. Our skin is our largest organ and it's also our largest sense organ. This means it serves as a form of communication to our brain and the rest of the body. Therapeutic touch, like what you receive in a massage and bodywork session, has proven to reduce blood pressure, heart rate, cortisol (stress hormone) and Substance P, the pain-modulating neurotransmitter. As far as the positive swing, touch naturally increases serotonin, which prevents depression and supports digestion and effectively boosts the immune system. These are just to name a few.
As many of you have realized, with the pandemic, it is common to experience symptoms of being touch starved. It's also known as touch deprivation and skin hunger. Signs of this are anxiety, depression, stress, low relationship satisfaction (platonic and/or romantic), sleeping difficulties, and avoidant attachment. Read more about this here. I know for me, I miss shaking hands and giving hugs. When I lived abroad it was so customary greet your friend and acquaintances with an embrace and then a kiss on not one, but both cheeks!
I am reading more about this in Tiffany Field's book, Touch. I would love to continue this conversation if this interests you. Here's the link to it on Google Scholar.
So what can you do to support yourself? Hug your loved ones as much as you can and schedule your bodywork sessions. You receive more than you realize.
Taylor Mallory Holland, April 28, 2018. Science of Touch, Dignity Health. Feb. 25, 2022.,such%20as%20cortisol%20and%20norepinephrine.
**Photo used in my newsletter is my cat, Millie. Isn't she the cutest?

Refer your friends! There is nothing that means more to me than when you send someone my way. It not only tells me that you love what you receive with me, but also that you support my petite business.
For the months of March and April, all existing clients will receive $10 off a session with me in my home studio and mobile or virtual session when a person they refer books a session with me.
Lastly, if there are specific stretches or practices that you would like to see or want to know more about, please reach out to me. Email me at .