Please book your appointments online to ensure your desired time is reserved. You will be asked to leave a $35 deposit to fully reserve your appointment time. Online booking is available up to 24 hours in advance. There are no walk-ins.
You may request to book during non-business hours. Please note there is a $100 fee associated for each service.
PLEASE fill out the health history and liability waiver prior to your arrival. This is required for us to work together.
Clients who would like to be on my waitlist are welcome. This works like a queue. If I have a reschedule or cancellation, I will alert you as soon as I can.
Arrival to Your Massage
Please plan to arrive a few minutes prior to the scheduled appointment. All treatments have a specific time schedule and early arrival allows for a relaxed and unhurried experience.
Cancellation Policy
Please provide at least 48-hours notice if you need to reschedule or cancel a treatment without penalty. If a client cancels or reschedules within 48 hours, 50% of the service is due. Under 24 hours, 100% of the service will be owed. Fees will be invoiced or received via Zelle or Venmo.
Late Arrival Policy
Due to my busy schedule and respect of other clients, I will not be able to make any extensions. The original reservation fee will be charged.
No Show Policy
Clients who fail to show up for appointments will be charged in full.
Informed Consent
Prior to each massage session, the treatment plan will be discussed with you. Prior to your first visit with me, you will receive a copy of the massage therapy policies and will be asked to sign the consent stating that you have read the information, understand it, and agree to comply with the professional massage therapy policies and procedures. Clients that have not been seen for at least a year will also be asked to fill out this form.
Scope of Practice
I am a licensed professional and held to the highest standards by Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP).
I do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. I may refer you to a medical doctor for a diagnosis or to another practitioner who may better support your needs. My services are not intended as an alternative for proper medical attention for specific conditions.
Respect for Client Needs and Boundaries
My studio is a zero judgment, all-inclusive environment. I aim to keep this safe and secure space for all of my clients. I welcome you to show up however you need at the time of your session while maintaining respect for me, other patrons, and the studio. Tears, laughter, venting are allowed.
I am happy to adjust pressure, temperature, musical volume, work longer on an area or move on if you request it.
The client may choose to: leave on as much clothing as needed for comfort, refuse any massage methods, or stop massage at any time.
Zero Tolerance
The studio and massage table is a therapeutic environment solely intended for healing. Inappropriate sexual interaction or discussion of any kind between the client and the massage therapist is NEVER appropriate. Advances or requests of this nature will prompt swift termination of the session. The client will be responsible for full payment and will no longer be allowed to schedule appointments, classes, or events.
Confidentiality and Conversation
I treat all client visits and conditions as confidential. As such, I will not discuss your visit with anybody outside of our staff without your permission. You may choose to talk or not talk during the massage. Any conversation will be guided by the client.
Existing and New Medical Conditions
It is the responsibility of the client to keep me informed of any medical treatment currently being taken and to provide written permission from the physician, chiropractor, physical therapist, etc., that the massage may be continued. The client must also keep the massage therapist informed of any changes in health conditions.
For clients undergoing chemo and radiation therapies: Please note that we require a doctor’s note that states the doctor is aware of, and agree to, the desired treatment.
COVID and Other Illness Policy
Please do not come to my office if you believe you may be contagious and/or have a raised temperature. It is in all of our best interests that you stay home, rest, and let your body do it's job...heal. Please seek medical attention if needed.
If you have or have had COVID-19, please follow the CDC guidelines before coming in for a session.
If your condition affects your appointment, please let me know as soon as possible. You are still subject to the cancellation policy.
Mask Policy
Clients are not asked to where a mask in session. Presently there is no requirement to wear a mask in common areas. However, if you wish to wear one, you are most welcome. When the presence of COVID-19 increases, this policy is subject to change.
Updated 12.9.2024